Friday, July 31, 2009

Our apologies for Advanced Hosting error

Dear Obama,

A few days ago we sent out a message on your forum ( about a huge sale on Advanced Hosting. While a lot of people have already taken advantage of this one-time offer, some were getting errors clicking the signup link. We have fixed the link and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

To remedy the situation we are going to extend the Advanced Hosting sale
(1) more day until August 1st. Once again, if you order Advanced Hosting by August 1st you will get 20% off AND $125 in free mod installing. This is the first and last time we will offer something like this. We will transfer all your members and posts to your new forums, install all the mods you currently have plus more all for free. For more information visit

If you were having issues buying Advanced Hosting we hope this extra day gives to a chance to try again.

Thank you, Team

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Premium Upgrade Promotion for

Dear Obama,

As you may know we recently launched our Premium Service. I wanted to reach out to you with an exclusive offer.

What is the Premium Service? The Premium Service is an upgrade from your current free version. Premium forums get access to the premium features which include the cash and shop mod, reputation mod, link bar, custom pages mod, 10meg file uploads, and a custom style editor to edit the colors on over 10 styles. You will also prioritized support on our support forum. These extra features give your members additional value and a reason to participate in your forum. Having a cash and shop mod can increase forum posting by 25%!

What's the cost? Normally it's $6.95/month But we're giving you all this for just $4.95/month.

So what's the catch? This offer is available only to the first 500 forums that sign up. You can cancel anytime and there is no minimum commitment. To sign up, go to the "Upgrades" tab in your admin panel, or go here for more information:

Thank you, Team

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

File - welcome.html

Table of Content

Introduction to Flight Training

Purpose of Flight Training
Role of the FAA
Role of the Pilot Examiner
Role of the Flight Instructor
Sources of Flight Training
Practical Test Standards
Flight Safety Practices

Ground Operations

Visual Inspection
Cockpit Management
Ground Operations
Engine Starting
Hand Propping
Before Takeoff Check
After Landing
Clear of Runway
Engine Shutdown
Securing and Servicing

Basic Flight Maneuvers

The Four Fundamentals
Effects and Use of the Controls
Feel of the Airplane
Attitude Flying
Integrated Flight Instruction
Straight and Level Flight
Trim Control
Level Turns
Climbs and Climbing Turns
Descents and Descending Turns
Pitch and Power

Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins

Slow Flight
Intentional Spins

Takeoff and Departure Climbs

Terms and Definitions
Prior to Takeoff
Normal Takeoff
Crosswind Takeoff Ground Effect on Takeoff
Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum
Performance Climb Soft/Rough-Field Takeoff and Climb Rejected Takeoff/Engine Failure
Noise Abatement

Ground Reference Maneuvers

Purpose and Scope
Maneuvering By Reference to Ground Objects
Drift and Ground Track Control
Rectangular Course
S-Turns Across a Road
Turns Around a Point
Elementary Eights
    Eights along a Road

Eights Across a Road
Eights Around Pylons
Eights-On-Pylons (Pylon Eights)

Airport Traffic Patterns

Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations
Standard Airport Traffic Patterns

Approaches and Landings

Normal Approach and Landing
Intentional Slips
Go-Around (Rejected Landings)
Ground Effect
Crosswind Approach and Landing
Turbulent Air Approach and Landing
Short-Field Approach and Landing
Soft-Field Approach and Landing
Power-Off Accuracy Approaches
Emergency Approaches and Landings (Simulated)
Faulty Approaches and Landings

Performance Maneuvers

Performance Maneuvers

Night Operations

Night Vision
Night Illusions
Pilot Equipment
Airplane Equipment and Lighting
Airport and Navigation Lighting Aids
Preparation and Preflight
Starting, Taxiing, and Run-up
Takeoff and Climb
Orientation and Navigation
Approaches and Landings
Night Emergencies

Transition to Complex Airplanes

High Performance and Complex Airplanes
Wing Flaps
Controllable-Pitch Propeller
Retractable Landing Gear
Transition Training

Transition to Multiengine Airplanes

Multiengine Flight
Terms and Definitions
Operation of Systems
Performance and Limitations
Weight and Balance
Ground Operation
Normal and Crosswind
Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
Level Off and Cruise
Normal Approach and Landing
Crosswind Approach and Landing
Short-Field Takeoff and Climb
Short-Field Approach and Landing
Rejected Takeoff
Engine Failure After Lift-Off
Engine Failure During Flight
Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing
Engine Inoperative Flight Principles
Slow Flight
Engine Inoperative - Loss of Directional Control Demonstration
Multiengine Training Considerations

Transition to Tail-wheel Airplanes

Tail-wheel Airplanes
Landing Gear
Normal Takeoff Roll
Crosswind Takeoff
Short-Field Takeoff
Soft-Field Takeoff
After-Landing Roll
Crosswind Landing
Crosswind After-Landing Roll
Wheel Landing
Short-Field Landing
Soft-Field Landing
Ground Loop

Transition to Turbo-propeller Powered Airplanes

Gas Turbine Engine
Turboprop Engines
Turboprop Engine Types
Reverse Thrust and Beta Range Operations
Turboprop Airplane Electrical Systems
Operational Considerations
Training Considerations

Transition to Jet Powered Airplanes

Jet Engine Basics
Operating the Jet Engine
Jet Engine Efficiency
Absence of Propeller Effect
Absence of Propeller Slipstream
Absence of Propeller Drag
Speed Margins
Recovery from Over-speed Conditions
Mach Buffet Boundaries
Low Speed Flight
Drag Devices
Thrust Reversers
Pilot Sensations in Jet Flying
Jet Airplane Takeoff and Climb
Jet Airplane Approach and Landing

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Situations
Emergency Landings
Basic Safety Concepts
Terrain Types
Engine Failure After Takeoff (Single-Engine)
Emergency Descents
In-Flight Fire
Flight Control Malfunction / Failure
Landing Gear Malfunction
Systems Malfunctions
Abnormal Engine Instrument Indications
Door Opening In Flight
Inadvertent VFR Flight Into IMC

Use left panel to navigate Airplane Flying Handbook


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